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How to boost brand awareness  

Strategies and tips

During a marketing research study for a client in the bottled water industry, a top-of-mind awareness test was performed, and the client’s brand was not even mentioned. What to recommend to a client to improve its brand awareness and position its brand as a top-of-mind choice for its target audience?

The “Top of Mind Awareness” test is commonly used in market research to measure the level of brand awareness by consumers an open-ended question such as “What brands come to mind when you think of

?” They list as many brands as they can recall without any prompting or assistance. The brands that are mentioned most frequently are considered to have a high level of top-of-mind awareness.

Some important factors considered for improving brand recognition and recall among the client’s consumers consisted in firstly understanding the reasons behind the lack of awareness through the study, to tailor the strategy accordingly.

The strategy was designed around investing in creating a brand identity that is memorable, one that truly resonates with its target audience using a combination of marketing channels providing valuable content that could position the brand as a thought leader in the industry and increased the visibility building relationships and foster brand loyalty.

Even though the results of the Top-of-Mind Awareness test were disappointing, the client understood the opportunities for growth and improvement. By implementing these strategies, we could increase brand awareness and position the client’s brand as a top-of-mind choice for its target audience. To learn more about marketing research technics please visit Conjoint Analysis – Home (